Promoting Resilience

Promoting resilience in communities affected by climate change in Tete and Zambézia provinces

Countries: Mozambique

Partners: Associação de Apoio e Assistência Jurídica às Comunidades (AAAJC) and MULABA

Allocated amount: DKK 2,000,000 

Project start: 01/07/2023 Project end: 30/06/2025

The project targets six districts in the provinces of Tete and Zambezia that are highly vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change. Storms, flooding and drought have made it increasingly difficult to practice agriculture and to have sufficient amounts of fresh drinking water. However, the communities do not yet see this as a permanent trend linked to climate change. The project will make the communities aware of the consequences of climate change in their area and enable them to advocate district governments for support to climate change adaptation. Local climate adaptation plans have been approved by the district governments, but they list a huge number of interventions without prioritsing and with budgets far above available resources. The project will enable communities to influence these plans and to support that the adaptation interventions meeting the needs of the poor rural population are prioritised and implemented. 

Development objective:

The communities have access to adequate food and water, and are able to generate sufficient income

Immediate objectives:

The intervention builds on two immediate objectives: 

  1. The district administrations promote adaptation to the negative effects of climate change reflecting needs of communities
  2. Communities are well informed of climate changes and able to influence the district administrations

Target groups:

The project aims to involve: 1. 2,400 community members in training on the origin and effects of climate change as well as on options for adaptation activities to minimise the climate change effects at the local level. 2. District- and provincial staff and the government members, who are an active part in the elaboration and implementation of the PLA for the district. 3. Members of the Provincial Assembly who specifically involve themselves in the PLAs for the targeted districts. 

This project is organized by Mozambiquegruppen