Deltag i kampen og kræv at din bank og pensionskasse stopper investeringer i gasudvinding i Cabo Delgado!

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Læs rapporten om hvordan danske banker og pensionskasser investerer i gasudvinding i Mozambique.


You can write your bank/pension fund via the form below; Otherwise feel free to copy the text of this email and send it directly from your mailbox at your point of contact in your pension fund and/or bank.

[English below]

Til [det pensionsselskab eller den bank du vælger ovenfor]

Jeg er kunde i jeres bank/pensionskasse, og har i en rapport udgivet af Global Aktion, fået oplyst, at I har investeret i virksomheder, som står bag projekter, der udvinder naturgas i Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. Jeg ønsker ikke, at mine penge skal bruges til at investere i en destruktiv industri som gas-industrien, der medfører menneskerettighedskrænkelser, fattigdom, korruption, vold og social uretfærdighed.

Den igangværende opførelse af ​​faciliteter på land, som støtter den planlagte gasudvinding til havs, forarmer landbruget og fiskeri-samfundene, tvinger lokalbefolkningen fra deres hjem og afskærer deres adgang til havet og dermed deres levebrød; fiskeri. Som kompensation har virksomhederne tilbudt dem nye stykker land, der kun er en tiendedel af størrelsen på deres tidligere land, langt væk fra de huse de er blevet genhuset i. Dette er en klar krænkelse af disse menneskers rettigheder til at forblive på deres territorium og opretholde deres levebrød.

Oven i dette har gasindustrien nu gjort Cabo Delgado til et ​​COVID-19 hotspot i Mozambique. Allerede i april udgjorde Total-ansatte to tredjedele af Mozambiques COVID-19-patienter, og mens smittede medarbejdere er blevet isoleret, har kokke, rengøringsassistenter, sikkerhedsvagter og andet personale fra de omkringliggende landsbyer stadig deres daglige gang, der hvor de smittede bor. Dette sætter hele samfundet i fare.

Fra et miljøperspektiv er disse projekter ren ødelæggelse. Gasprojekterne vil medføre udryddelse af truede koraller og fiskearter i Quirimbas øgruppen, der er anerkendt af UNESCO som en vigtig biosfære ud for ​​Cabo Delgados kyst. Men de skønnes også at øge Mozambiques udledning af drivhusgasser med 14%. Det inkluderer udledning af metan, da gasudvinding udleder metan, hvilket er 21 gange mere forurenende end CO2.

Jeg forstår ikke, hvordan I både kan annoncere på jeres hjemmeside, at I er en ansvarlig investor, der tager miljø-, klima-, menneskerettigheds- og arbejdsmarkedsspørgsmål i betragtning i jeres vurderinger af investeringer og stadig aktivt investere penge i virksomheder, der forårsager disse ødelæggelser for lokalsamfundene i Mozambique og det globale samfund. Gas-projekterne ignorerer åbenlyst internationale standarder som OECD’s retningslinjer for multinationale virksomheder og FN’s Global Compact-principper. Jeres investeringer i projekterne gør jer medskyldige i disse misbrug/grusomheder/krænkelser.

Jeg ønsker ikke, at mine penge skal bruges til at bidrage disse ødelæggelser, og derfor opfordrer jeg jer kraftigt til at droppe investeringerne i ​​følgende virksomheder: Eni, Total, Shell, ExxonMobil, Galp, Chinese National Petroleum Corporation, Bharat Petroleum, Korea Gas Corporation og/eller Mitsui.

Jeg ser frem til at høre fra jer. 
Med venlig hilsen
[Dit navn]


To [the pension fund or the bank selected above]

I am a client at your bank/pension fund and I have been informed by a report published by Global Aktion that you are investing in the companies leading the liquid natural gas (LNG) industry in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. I do not wish for my money to be used to invest in a destructive industry like LNG which is fuelling human rights abuses, poverty, corruption, violence and social injustice.

The construction of onshore facilities to support the planned offshore gas extraction is impoverishing rural farming and fishing communities, forcing them from their homes and cutting off their access to the sea for fishing. In compensation, companies have offered local communities new plots of land that are only a tenth of the size of the original plots, far away from their relocation houses. This is a clear violation of the rights of these communities to remain in their territories and maintain their livelihoods.

To worsen the situation, the gas industry has now made Cabo Delgado one of the COVID-19 hotspots in Mozambique. Already in April, Total employees constituted two thirds of Mozambique’s COVID-19 cases, and while infected employees have been isolated on site, cooks, cleaners, security guards and other staff are brought in daily from the surrounding villages to serve them. This puts entire communities at risk in a health crisis.

From an environmental perspective, these projects are pure destruction. Not only will this gas project irreversibly destroy endangered species of coral and fish of the Quirimbas Archipelago, recognised as an important UNESCO Biosphere off the coast of Cabo Delgado, but it is also estimated to increase Mozambique’s greenhouse gas emissions by 14%. This includes emissions of methane as a result of liquifying natural gas, which is concerning as methane is considered to be 21 times more polluting than CO2. 

I do not understand how you can simultaneously advertise on your website that you are a responsible investor that takes environmental, climate, human rights, and labour issues into consideration in your assessments and still be actively investing money in companies that are causing this devastation to the local communities of Mozambique and to the world. The LNG projects are blatantly disregarding international standards such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Global Compact principles. Your investments make you complicit in these abuses.

I do not wish for my money to be used to allow this destruction to happen, and therefore, I strongly encourage you to drop your investments in any of the following companies: Eni, Total, Shell, ExxonMobil, Galp, Chinese National Petroleum Corporation, Bharat Petroleum, Korea Gas Corporation and/or Mitsui.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

[Your name]