Working groups

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A little background about Global Aktions working groups

Global Aktion (GA) is a Danish solidarity movement that together with social movements around the world fights for fundamental political changes to end global inequality.

An unprecedented amount of power and wealth is concentrated in a very few hands. The national, the global and the economic elites, including the multinational corporations, have acquired far-reaching control over the world’s resources.

It creates an unequal world, where power and wealth accrue to the few, not the many – and where the interests of the people are overlooked in favor of economic profit. It is a distortion that increases poverty and undermines democracy. These current global structures are thus an obstacle to the global justice we and our partners are fighting for.

We believe that a fairer and more equal world is possible. A world where everyone has a voice in the political decision-making processes. Where natural resources and wealth are equally distributed. Simply a world that puts people and environment before profit. You can read our strategy for 2022-25 here. 

How we work

We are approx. 150 activists divided into a large number of work groups. Through our partnerships with grassroots in the Global South we develop a joint strategy that we work with. The goal of our partnerships is to strengthen the organization and mobilization of people in the Global South for their rights and fight together for a better world.  Read the information booklet for new members 2021

In order to change the current inequality-creating structures, it is crucial to create a Global movement across national borders and continents. Therefore we are fighting in solidarity with active people worldwide to bring about these fundamental changes. We enter into communities with like-minded popular movements to mobilize and activate each other in the fight for our rights and thereby strengthen the common fight against economic and political elites.

Today we work with social movements in South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, DR Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Mauritius. Our partnerships are based on solidarity and mutual trust. We always try to take struggles from the Global South back to Denmark to show connections, power structures and odder structures that create a more unequal world. We work with social movements or groups that work to strengthen social movements.

Read our partner approach here

Currently we are in the process of starting up two new projects with partners in Africa! 

This means that you have the chance to get involved in the start up process with one of four partners. You will be part of a work group that engages in a collaboration between Global Aktion and the partner in the Global south. In this process you will have the chance to gain valuable competencies with project management, marketing, founding and collaboration skills. You will get direct contact with one of our partners in the Global south, whom you will be responsible to collaborate with.

The two partners that we desire to make new projects with is: 

Kenyan Peasant League (KPL) is a social movement made up of Kenyan farmers, fishermen and pastoralists working to promote agroecology and food sovereignty. They organize against neoliberal economies and policies that oppose self-determination of agriculture led by local communities. The organization’s purpose is to mobilize kenyan farmers to push for agricultural reforms and practice organic farming to ensure food sovereignty and environment protection.  KPL calls for the free trade agreements to be revised. The free trade agreements mean, among other things, that cheap imported goods damage their own market for agricultural goods.

The potential project with KPL is to build agroecology schools  to educate and help farmers about their rights and agro-ecological farming methods, helping women to fight for their right for authority to ownership over food production, to advocate for the falseness of solutions that are programs and policies promoted by transnational corporations, agribusinesses and governments as solutions to climate change. These include commercialization, extractivism, GMOs and greenhouse gas-intensive agriculture, among others.

International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG) generally focus on international labour, economic and political issues in the context of contributing to solidarity amongst workers across the globe. In its early years ILRIG became known for the publication of popular worker history materials, particularly booklet histories of workers in Botswana, Brazil, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, and Bolivia.

The project is to build a political school in the region that brings together people from the region. The school is based on progressive politics, principles, values and ethics that can be a counter-power to capitalism, populism, authoritarianism, class rule, racism, sexism. Through its research, popular education, School and Provincial Platforms ILRIG’s energy is focused on assisting to build such a movement.

Existing groups:

South Africa Group

Current project: Look behind your food
Strengthening union and working conditions of South African agricultural workers and their community
Partner(s): TCOE and CSAAWU (Union)
Strategic focus(es): Power & democracy,  resource grabbing, and global trade structures

Climate Group

Current project(s): Adapting the Power and Peasants’ Rights Achieve Climate Justice
Capacity strengthening of La Via Campesina as a social movement in its efforts to attain the just representation of indigenous peoples, rural communities and smallholders in the face of climate change
Partner(s): ZIMZOFF, Alternactiva, La Via Campesina SEAf (LVC), Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC), Centre for Alternative Research and Studies on Economic, Social and Environmental Issues (CARES)
Strategic focus(es): Climate justice, food sovereignty

Indian Ocean Group

Current project: Reaching the Region
Strengthening the Mauritius based CARES’ work with vulnerable coastal communities, and supporting two complimentary events: The 4th School of Ecology and the first Indian Ocean Conference
Partner: CARES Mauritius
Strategic focus(es): Climate justice, resource grabbing

Mozambique Group

Current project: Promoting Resilience
Aims to mobilise local communities in Tete and educate them on their rights in regards to transnational corporations natural resource exploitation
Partner: AAAJC
Strategic focus(es): Power & democracy, resource grabbing and global trade structures

Swaziland Group

Current project: Build Social Justice
Fighting against the regime in Swaziland, working towards democratic structures

Partner: swaziland massacre victims & survivor’s association

Strategic focus(es): Power & democracy

Development for Whom? Group

Current project: Advancing the Right to Say No
Working on highlighting the skewed discourse of developmental work and investments, both in a Danish context and in the Global South.
Partner(s): AIDC and TCOE in South Africa
Strategic focus(es): Power & democracy, resource grabbing, global trade structures, climate justice

Feminist Agroecology Group

Current project: Forward to Feminist Agroecology
Strengthening small-scale farmers in southern Africa, and ensuring food sovereignty
Partner: Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA)
Strategic focus(es): Food sovereignty, agroecology, and climate justice

Channel Free Group

Current project: None currently
Creating an independent tv platform to showcase citizen journalists report on social justice issues
Partner: Workers World Media Production (WWMP)
Strategic focus(es): Social justice, mobile journalism, and media

Western Sahara Group

Current project: None currently
Aims to spread awareness and information on Africa’s last colony, Western Sahara. Lobbying in Denmark and internationally.
Partner(s): Western Sahara Resource Watch, WRSW
Strategic focus(es): Power & democracy and resource grabbing

Trade Group / Solidarisk Handel (Ethical trade)

Current project: None currently
A resource and educating group, focusing on trade and working against free trade, impunity of transnational corporations and alternatives.
Partner(s): Makes up “Netværk For Solidarisk Handel”/Network for Trade Justice with the organisations: Mellemamerika Komitteen, COLSOL and NOAH
Strategic focus(es): Global trade structures

The debt group

About international debt affecting the global south.
Campaign group

The Inequality Group

The group campaigns against global inequality.