Global Aktion Strategy 2022 – 2025

The New Global Aktion Strategy


Welcome to Global Aktion’s strategy for 2022-2025. This strategy continues the development of Global Aktion along the same  path as the previous strategy from 2016-2020, which was in many ways successful in shaping Global Aktion into what we  are today. The biggest victories were that we are now good at putting local struggles in the South into a political, Danish and global context, and that we gather our efforts in specific focus areas that are central to the fight for fundamental system changes. We have removed Africa as a geographic focus and adopted a new name. In the previous strategy, we also  focused on economic sustainability and expanding with activist groups in several places in the country. We have not  achieved these objectives. 

The ambitions for economic sustainability are continued in this strategy, while the ambitions to create local groups in several places in the country are not a high priority, but still welcome. Where the old strategy introduced larger options and opt-outs,  this strategy only has a single option, which is an increased focus on intersectional solidarity. This has led to the previous focus area ‘power and democracy’ now being split into two, ‘power relations’ and ‘democracy’. 

The new strategy has been created in a time characterized by the covid pandemic. A time where global unequal power  structures are more visible than ever before. A time where global inequality has grown, the number of poor people has  increased, and very few insanely rich individuals have sent their private spaceships into space. A time in Denmark where the  climate & biodiversity was put on the agenda in the general public, while debates about feminism and anti-racism waver up and down in strength and power. 

Covid has brought many challenges to the work of our partners and us in Global Aktion. We have had to rearrange our work and stop all travel activity. We have succeeded in gathering online for debate events, group meetings, strategy meetings  and welcome meetings for new activists, but we miss the power and energy of the physical community. The strategy process itself has also been influenced by this. 

At the start of 2022, we are in a place where we need to strengthen and build Global Aktion. 

The key objectives of this strategy include: 

  • We will strengthen Global Aktion’s role in the wider social movement 
  • We will strengthen our mobilization and organizing of activists 
  • We want to strengthen our knowledge work  
  • We want to strengthen our cooperation in the Global South  
  • We want to strengthen the financial sustainability of the organization  
  • We want to strengthen intersectional solidarity

Who we are and what we are fighting for

Global Aktion is a Danish solidarity organization, run by activists who, together with social movements and groups worldwide, fight for fundamental political changes to do away with global injustice and inequality in the distribution of power,  opportunities and resources. 

We live in a world where unprecedented amounts of power and wealth are concentrated in very few hands. A world where  the Global North exploits the Global South and colonialism continues to rule, just in a new guise. For centuries, a ruling,  mainly European and masculine elite has used all imaginable means to create a world that is in their favor and which is based  on the exploitation of people, nature and resources, especially in the Global South. The oppressive structures such as  slavery, colonialism, patriarchy and imperialism underlie the global capitalist world order we experience today which  perpetuates social and economic inequality. We are affected in different ways and to different degrees by these power  structures, depending on our position in society. In Global Aktion we see the oppressive structures as coherent and  coincident in the system that is modern global capitalism. The many forms of oppression have the common purpose of preventing the oppressed from coming together and taking power back from the elite who exploit them. 

These oppressive systems were crucial in maintaining and expanding the money power that society’s wealthiest gained  during the rise of capitalism. Global capitalism has of course developed, but the historical power structures leave their mark.  In 2022, we live in a world where larger and larger parts of society are subject to the logic of the financial sector. States are  forced to prioritize the growth of financial markets over their populations, and financial speculation constitutes a huge  proportion of the economy. Powerful international institutions are set to protect the biggest companies’ profit interests. Trade  and investment agreements pave the way for transnational corporations, the super-rich elite and corrupt politicians. It is  always the Global North that wins and the Global South that loses. Capitalism’s need for constant growth and consumption  has created the global climate crisis. A crisis for which people in the Global South are going to pay the price, while those  behind the crisis see it as another opportunity for further growth and profit. Global inequality and the climate crisis are  therefore inextricably linked together.We see social movements resisting and fighting these oppressive structures. Often with life at stake. These movements are the force that can create alternatives and those necessary social changes, based on democratic  principles. Solidarity with these movements and those who are fighting is therefore central to Global Aktion’s political work.  Solidarity, because we are all oppressed by global capitalism – albeit to different degrees and in different ways. Solidarity, because  we have a lot to learn from and with each other. Solidarity, because together we are stronger. Together with other grassroots, in Denmark as well as globally, we work to formulate criticism but also alternatives to the structures that create global inequality and  deprive people of control over their own resources. 

In Global Aktion, we believe that another world is possible. A world where everyone has an equal voice in political decision-making  processes. Where natural resources and wealth are equally distributed and democratically controlled. A world that puts people and  the environment before profit. To do away with the historically rooted structures that create global inequality, an international  movement across borders and continents is necessary. We are an active part of that movement. 


We want a fair world with equal access to power, opportunities and resources – regardless of geographical location, identity and  background. A world where the planet’s resources benefit the many and not the few, and where people and the environment are  valued more than profit. 


We fight to strengthen a global movement for systemic change. A change that can create a fair distribution of society’s resources  and political structures that spread power and influence to all parts of the population rather than catering to the interests of a  narrow elite. That is why we are included in partnerships and networks with like-minded social movements, organizations and  groups. Through solidarity work, we strengthen the joint struggle for democratization of political and economic structures. 

Our values 

Our values are the basis of our daily work. They form the framework for our way of seeing the world and entering into  relationships. This applies both internally in Global Aktion and externally in our collaboration with other movements and  organizations. Our credibility depends on us visibly following our values. 

Voluntariness as a guiding principle – We base all our work on volunteering, where the activists carry and develop the movement. 

Activism – Activism is actions aimed at changing unjust systems locally as well as globally. Our activism is for everyone who shares our values, vision and mission.

Community and solidarity – We envision a global community, where everyone has the right to equal opportunities to live a dignified life in a just society. 

Curiosity, respect and understanding – We meet each other and like-minded movements at eye level and with respect. We take responsibility for each other and support  each other in our common struggle. We are curious, seek understanding and allow ourselves to be challenged in our views and  attitudes, and we want to learn along the way. 

System change – We work with the structural causes of global inequality and injustice rather than treating symptoms. Therefore, political battles for system change are at the core of our work. We believe that another world is possible and that even the most impossible battles can be won. Passivity is not an option. 

Transparency, accountability and honesty – We strive to work openly, fairly and honestly.

The fight’s five focus areas

Trade, climate, natural resources, democracy and power relations 

In this strategy, the activists in Global Aktion selected to work with five action areas in the fight against global inequality and for people and the environment before profit. For each area, structures exist that are among the biggest causes of the  increase in global inequality. For each of the five areas, there are social movements worldwide that fight the causes of global  inequality and work to find alternatives and solutions that put people and the environment before profit. In large and small  ways, activists in Global Aktion contribute to the struggles within each of the 5 areas through cooperation with like-minded  organizations and movements. 

Trade policy 

Problem: International trade structures hinder economic development in the Global South, shift power from populations to  multinational corporations and transcend planetary boundaries. 

An increasing number of “free trade agreements” and investment treaties are constantly increasing the competitive race to the bottom  globally. This applies to working conditions, equality, political influence, power over resources and climate & environment. It is  especially a problem in the Global South, where the general population is deprived of a say in the development of their society in favor  of multinational corporations and elites in the Global North. 

Solutions: Alternative trade systems where the protection of people and the environment is put above the protection of profit  interests. 


Problem: The global climate crisis creates increased injustice and inequality. It is the result of a failed economic system that  seeks unrestrained growth, where the concern for profit trumps the concern for the climate and environment. 

The climate crisis is a political crisis that is sustained and exacerbated by unequal power relations between populations and the political  elite. It is the Global North that bears the responsibility for the ecological crises we are facing, but it is the Global South and the most  exposed and marginalized countries and population groups that feel the consequences the hardest. 

The climate crisis is therefore also a crisis of inequality, as it worsens already existing inequalities.

The winners of capitalism present false solutions to the big problems that are short-term and worsen the conditions of local  communities already badly affected by climate and environmental destruction. 

Solutions: Climate justice as a comprehensive guideline for solutions to the climate crisis. We must have system changes and a  showdown with the pursuit of profit. Climate justice is anti-capitalist. Concrete alternatives are, for example, food sovereignty, agroecology and a democratization of our energy systems. We must reduce our consumption and production significantly. The global  North must pay its climate reparations and forgive the debts of countries in the Global South. We must develop new anti-Eurocentric  knowledge paradigm. 

Natural resources 

Problem: Resource grabbing – when there is no longer democratic control over our common natural resources. 

All over the world, there is an unequal distribution of natural resources, with increased pressure for the privatization of common  goods. Privatization of natural resources benefits the few, and at the same time there is a concentration of power and wealth, so  that the democratic control of natural resources is limited or disappears completely. 

Solutions: Community-ownership rather than privatization. We fight for and support movements that create democratic and  local control of natural resources, for the benefit of the many rather than the few. Support for a binding UN treaty that does  away with corporate impunity. Taxation of companies where the resources are. 


Problem: The power of a political and economic elite is increasing everywhere. 

Lack of transparency and real citizen involvement means that companies influence political decisions and are provided with money, instead of planet and people. 

Authoritarian forces are increasingly limiting democratic rights and people’s opportunities to demand system changes, and  the trend has only worsened through the covid pandemic. 

Our democracies are no longer governed by the people. Political decisions are taken under the influence of those with money  power, while representative bodies such as the Danish Parliament, stand without real power. Citizens and politicians look on,  while the influence of companies and lobbying organizations on our institutions and government policy can take place  anonymously and with no real possibility of holding the power elite accountable. Corruption is growing while democratic rights  are shrinking. 

Solutions: For social and economic justice to be achieved and maintained, society must be governed by the people.  We fight for real democratic and social systems. 

Power relations 

Problem: “All inequality is not created equal” quote by Kimberlé Crenshaw, 2020. 

All societies are permeated by power structures such as patriarchy, colonialism, racism, imperialism, class structures, sexism and ageism. They are used to maintain power and control in society. The structures define power relations  between groups based on social identity markers such as class, skin colour, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation,  disability, religion and geography. At the societal level, this leads to structural inequality and the suppression of  groups’ rights and access to power and resources. 

Everyone finds themselves in several power relations at the same time. In some relationships people experience  privilege, while in other relationships they experience discrimination. Some people find themselves at the intersection  of several oppressive structures and power relations that reinforce each other at the same time.

Solutions: In order to fight inequality and create alternatives that embrace everyone, it is important to create visibility  about the structures and power relations that create discrimination and privilege, so that inequality is not reproduced  when alternatives are developed. 

How we work – approaches and methods 

Global Aktion’s overall approaches and concrete methods are based on the organization’s values and political analysis. They  have been developed and improved over four decades. Our work is characterized by being activist-driven, political and in  solidarity, with a focus on common struggles and the growing inequality between North and South – this is naturally reflected  in our approaches and methods. 

The solidarity partnerships 

Solidarity partnerships are a central part of our political work. In particular, our partners in the Global South strengthen our  political analysis by making visible their local struggles and the connection of those struggles to the Global North. Our  partnerships are thus crucial for creating a joint global, but locally rooted political analysis. The physical meeting between GA  activists and our partners is crucial for the strong political cooperation and for the activists to be equipped to understand the  partner’s context and to do concrete solidarity work and activism at home based on a joint political analysis. Our approach to  our solidarity partnerships is detailed in our partnership approach. 

The activist groups 

The activist groups are the core of the organization. They are characterized by autonomy, responsibility and activism. 

Activists are the driving forces in Global Aktion’s work, and it is the activists’ initiatives, wealth of ideas and indignation that  create the basis for the organization’s work and development. In Global Aktion, the framework for activism is broad and  defined by the activists themselves. As an activist, you take on a concrete responsibility as part of an activist group and are  involved to define and shape the political agenda and activities of Global Aktion. 

The activist groups work with a high degree of self-determination, but within the strategy and political analysis of Global  Aktion. Over the years, the organization has built up a number of resources and common frameworks that can help new  activists integrate into the organization. 

Campaign and project work 

In Global Aktion, the campaign and project work are not ends in themselves. They are both means to fulfill our vision and  mission. Both parts are grounded in one or more of our five areas of action, and where it is possible and beneficial, there is a  link between our campaign and project work. 

The political platform – an activist meeting place 

A cornerstone of our work is mutual trust and respect. As grassroots, we grow stronger in relation to and in  collaboration with others and for Global Aktion this means, among other things, that the physical meeting is a priority. Our  physical premises are a natural meeting place for the activist groups’ activities, but also a place where people meet  across the board, are challenged and strengthened in their political position. At the same time, Global Aktion is a meeting place and a political platform for other parts of the grassroots environment in  Denmark – this helps to strengthen and broaden Global Action’s political foundation into the broader movement.

Global Aktion as a knowledge center and critical voice 

As a political platform, Global Aktion is also a place for political knowledge sharing and production. Our struggle for systemic change requires an in-depth analysis of global structural problems and power structures. That is  why we prioritize political education, research and knowledge sharing. 

Global Aktion is a critical voice in the public debate and in collaboration with our partners, we create and pass on new knowledge within our five areas of action.

Intersectional solidarity 

In Global Aktion we fight against global inequality based on an understanding of the intersections between various  oppressive structures such as colonialism, racism, imperialism, class structures and patriarchy. The structures are  coherent, mutually dependent and can reinforce each other. We try to work against those power structures, both in our  political work, in our partnerships and in our internal work, when they inevitably manifest themselves in internal dynamics. 

Networks and alliances 

Global Aktion actively collaborates with like-minded organizations and social movements around the world. We do that, in  addition to our concrete solidarity partnerships, by entering into political networks and alliances, both overall as an  organization and in the individual activist groups. 

Political, social and economic rights 

The fight for political, social and economic human rights plays an important underlying role as a strategic goal and  approach in Global Aktion’s work. Because states are obliged to respect and uphold human rights, it gives people  legitimate and legal claims to hold their governments accountable.  

When people organize around their rights, it creates a counterweight to the influence that companies exert on those in  power. 

Struggles for self-determination, land, resources, work, working conditions, decent living conditions, drinking water, housing,  health, education, food and family life are all examples of social and economic rights that can be claimed. Civil and political rights such as freedom of speech and assembly, access to information, freedom of association and the right to participate  can be used to demand social and economic rights and they are fundamental in the fight for democracy. 

Long-term objectives 

Global Aktion’s strong position in the Danish movement for social justice and against global inequality must be continuously strengthened. Therefore, we have set ourselves the following long-term objectives, which will be specified annually in our  work program, which is adopted at the annual general meeting of Global Aktion. The purpose of the long-term objectives is  to create greater cohesion, counteract silos and strengthen Global Aktion’s political position. In this way, we in GA must  become better at organizing ourselves and mobilizing others in solidarity with the Global South’s struggles for political, social  and economic rights. 

Goal 1: We will strengthen our mobilization and organization 

Global Aktion’s activist approach means that it is absolutely crucial that we continuously work to mobilize and retain new  activists. Part of this work includes developing and creating frameworks for new and other forms of activism. It is our aim to have a structured mobilization of new activists. At the same time, we want to strengthen the activists’ affiliation with Global Aktion as a whole, thereby also the relationship between the activist groups, the secretariat and the Executive Committee.

Goal 2: We will strengthen Global Aktion’s political profile in the wider movement 

In Denmark, this means that we want to maintain and strengthen our alliances and networks with other like-minded 

movements. We will make our physical framework open to other grassroots – in a way that makes strategic sense for Global  Aktion. The purpose is to spread Global Aktion’s political analysis and knowledge resources and to increase awareness and  support for the organization in the Danish activist environment. To a greater extent, we want to get around the country with  our activism and are mobilizing larger groups in Danish society. Therefore, we must strengthen our capacity to carry out 

political campaigns that reach further. We must influence the political left, in and outside the parliament. 

Internationally, this means that we will continue to strengthen our collaborations and take a more active role in European and  global networks. The focus is on networks that work with the themes and approaches we ourselves work with. 

Goal 3: We will strengthen our knowledge work 

Our political analysis requires knowledge, and therefore we want to be better at passing on and strengthening the knowledge that Global Aktion has and is building up through collaboration with partners, in our network and in our own and others’ research. We want to be a source of inspiration and a resource for the Danish activist environment, our partners and  for ourselves and each other internally. At the same time, we want to strengthen the learning culture in the organization.  This means that we must develop and introduce new activities and methods that can create knowledge sharing internally. We  want to strengthen political understanding, analysis and knowledge in relation to the themes and alliance partners with  which we work. 

Goal 4: We will strengthen our cooperation in the Global South 

In the Global South, Global Aktion has contact to networks, alliances and movements. We must strengthen their presence in  Global Aktion when we develop policy, analyses or support various struggles. Contact to the social movements with which  Global Aktion collaborates must be maintained in the working groups and with the individual activists.

Goal 5: We will strengthen the organization’s financial sustainability 

A healthy economy is the foundation for GA’s work as a political platform. The political drive is not enough without food and  drink, and we will therefore become better at mobilizing and retaining our members as well as the financial support among the grassroots who use Global Aktion’s premises. In addition, we want to strengthen Global Aktion’s finances by looking for alternative income opportunities, in addition to continuing to prioritize the CISU- supported projects. We will significantly  strengthen our membership base. 

Goal 6: We will strengthen our work with power relations 

Global Aktion must play an active role in our partnerships. The activists who collaborate with and meet our partners must be  better equipped to understand both the local context in the partner country and be broadly informed about the political  intersections in the partnership, as well as their own position and thus the power relationship they are inevitably in. Equality and solidarity is central to our partnerships, and we will get better at avoiding NGO lingo and a traditional, passive and monitoring donor role in our projects. 

At the same time, we will get better at bringing the fight home, so that the project groups’ work with solidarity partners also contributes to campaign and knowledge work here at home. The purpose is to strengthen the joint struggle for global justice and to make visible the active role of the Global North in maintaining global inequality. 

In all of Global Aktion’s work, we must emphasize an intersectional understanding and analysis. Intersectional understanding is about power relations that reinforce inequality, and must be used to avoid that we discriminate against people and that we formulate clear political analyses that take this into account. We must not contribute to reinforcing the oppressive  structures in society, but oppose them and actively work to develop alternatives. We must therefore work for strong alliances of like-minded people who want to do away with the structural causes of global inequality. Our goal is also to develop  activities and methods that will help GA to act on this understanding by counteracting inequality-creating structures more  widely. 

Implementation of the strategy 

Everyone in Global Aktion must work within the framework of the strategy. Concrete decisions about how the strategy is  implemented and the goals that are achieved will be made clear in Global Aktion’s annual joint work plans, which are  adopted each year at the general meeting. The Executive Committee and the secretariat are responsible for the preparation  of the annual work plans taking place in accordance with our strategy, so that they contribute to the implementation of this  document.
