Why are we against EACOP?
Meet Gerald Barekye, a dedicated activist at the forefront of the #StopEACOP movement in Uganda. As the director of the youth-led organization CERAI, he champions the cause of clean energy investments as a crucial alternative to fossil fuels. Co-founded with like-minded university students, CERAI emerged from a shared passion for the environment and concerns about the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project’s repercussions. Gerald’s leadership drives over 260 organizations in the global coalition #StopEACOP, which has already achieved significant victories by compelling major financiers to withdraw support from the detrimental EACOP initiative.
For deeper insights into the ongoing struggle, I encourage you to read the report Total Repression: The Struggle of Ugandan Activists Against the EACOP Project available here. This report sheds light on the challenges faced by activists like Gerald Barekye and underscores the importance of their efforts in halting the EACOP project’s adverse impacts.
Mød Gerald Barekye, en dedikeret aktivist i spidsen for bevægelsen #StopEACOP i Uganda. Som direktør for den ungdomsledede organisation CERAI kæmper han for sagen om investeringer i ren energi som et afgørende alternativ til fossile brændstoffer. CERAI blev medstiftet af ligesindede universitetsstuderende og voksede ud af en fælles lidenskab for miljøet og bekymringer om konsekvenserne af East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) projektet. Geralds lederskab driver over 260 organisationer i den globale koalition #StopEACOP, som allerede har opnået betydelige sejre ved at tvinge store finansiører til at trække deres støtte tilbage fra det skadelige EACOP-initiativ.
For dybere indblik i den igangværende kamp opfordrer jeg dig til at læse rapporten “Total Repression: The Struggle of Ugandan Activists Against the EACOP Project,” som er tilgængelig her. Denne rapport belyser de udfordringer, som aktivister som Gerald Barekye står over for, og understreger vigtigheden af deres indsats for at stoppe EACOP-projektets skadelige konsekvenser.