Kilder til Stop Ocean Grabbing

Du kan på denne side finde kilderne til de tal og fakta, der bliver brugt i vores kampagne om Ocean Grabbing

Artiklen ‘Hvad er Ocean Grabbing?’
Tallet en halv milliard: World Forum of Fisher Peoples og World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers. 2013. ”A Call on Governments to Stop Supporting the Global Partnership for Oceans (GPO) and Rights-Based Fishing (RBF) Reforms. [online]

Tallet 90%: High Level Panel of Experts. 2014. “Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition.” Rapport fra High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. Rom.

Ocean Grabbing styrkes: De Schutter, Oliver. 2012. “Fisheries and the right to food.” Rapport af Special Rapporteur om retten til mad ved session 67 af FN’s Generalforsamling. [online]

Artiklen ‘Hvem er småfiskerne?’
Fordelene ved småfiskernes metoder: De Schutter, Oliver. 2012. “Fisheries and the right to food.” Rapport af Special Rapporteur om retten til mad ved session 67 af FN’s Generalforsamling. [online]

Småfiskernes betydning for lokalsamfundet: TNI Agrarian Justice Programme, Masifundise, WFFP og Afrika Kontakt. 2014. ”The Global Ocean Grab – a primer”. [online]

Artiklen ‘Hvorfor støttes Ocean Grabbing?’
High Level Panel of Experts 2014. “Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition.” Rapport fra High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. Rom.

Hilborn, Ray, og Ulrike Hilborn. 2012. ”Overfishing. What Everyone Needs to Know”. New York: Oxford University Press.

Problemer ved Marine Protected Areas: Sharma, Chandrika, og Ramya Rajagopalan. 2013. “Marine Protected Areas Securing  Tenure Rights of Fishing Communities?”. Land Tenure Journal 1: 175–200.

TNI Agrarian Justice Programme, Masifundise, WFFP og Afrika Kontakt. 2014. ”The Global Ocean Grab – a primer”. [online]

Artiklen ‘Hvad er Global Partnership for Oceans?’
Rettigheds- og adgangskoncentration i lande, der er GPO-partnere: Ecotrust Canada. 2009. ”Briefing: A cautionary tale about ITQ fisheries”. Vancouver: Ecotrust. [online]

High Level Panel of Experts 2014. “Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition.” Rapport fra High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. Rom.

GPO-strategi, 500 millioner i Afrika: World Bank. 2012. ”Africa program for fisheries”. Washington: World Bank. [online]

Kvoter og spekulationer i Island-eksemplet: Benediktsson, Karl, og Anna Karlsdóttir. 2011. “Iceland: Crisis and Regional Development – Thanks for All the Fish?” European Urban and Regional Studies 18 (2): 228– 235.

Dahllöf, Staffan. 2012. “Quotas For Sale.”. In: NOTAT. Magazine on Democracy and Europe – special edition.

Island, 2007, 10 virksomheder ejer 51,7%: Jónsdóttir, Fjóla Björk og Ögmundur Knútsson. 2009. ”Samrunar á Íslandi 2003–2007”. In: Hannibalsson I (ed.) Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum X – Hagfræ.ideild og vi.skiptafræ.i¬deild. Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 127–140.

Chile: 4 virksomheder ejer 90%, 12.700 ejer de resterende 10%. Praca Alex. 2012. ”Chile intent privatizar el mar.” [online]

Artiklen ‘Kampen mod Ocean Grabbing i Sydafrika’
Isaacs, Moenieba. 2011. ”Individual transferable quotas, poverty alleviation and challenges for small-scale country fisheries policy in South Africa”. MAST 10(2): 63-84.

TNI Agrarian Justice Programme, Masifundise, WFFP og Afrika Kontakt. 2014. ”The Global Ocean Grab – a primer”. [online]

Artiklen ‘Småfiskeres levebrød på spil i Uganda’
TNI Agrarian Justice Programme, Masifundise, WFFP og Afrika Kontakt. 2014. ”The Global Ocean Grab – a primer”. [online]