United Against Patriarchy
Land: Zimbabwe
Partner: Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD)
Bevilliget beløb: kr. 1,400,000.00
Projekt start: 1/1/2018 Projekt slut: 6/30/2020
Indsatsen vil bygge videre på resultater opnået i samarbejdet mellem Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) og Afrika Kontakt. IYWD er blevet en demokratisk kvindebevægelse, hvor de 2500 medlemmer selv deltager aktivt og tager initiativ til lobby og kampagneaktiviteter for at fremme deres rettigheder i et patriarkalsk og undertrykkende samfund. Denne indsats vil fortsætte med at styrke IYWD og deres medlemmer til at blive endnu bedre til at lave strategier for hvordan man påvirker og nedbryder undertrykkende strukturer i praksis. Desuden vil indsatsten via IYWD’s egne medlemmer, og på deres egen opfordring, monitorere og udfordre det traditionelle retssystem. De traditionelle domstole er en hjørnesten i den zimbabweanske kvindeundertrykkelse, idet de domineres af mænd og ofte dømmer skævt til mænds fordel og dermed agerer i modstrid med kvinders forfatningsmæssige rettigheder.
Overordnet mål:
Development objective: IYWD is a feminist social movement who challenge and participate in dismantling oppressive systems and institutions and thereby ensure equity in the treatment and participation of women and men.
Umiddelbare mål:
Objective 1: IYWD is a more united movement with a clear feminist strategy, which guides the members’ understanding of internal and external power dynamics and how to address these.
Objective 2: IYWD monitors the traditional courts in Mashonaland Central Province in order to promote accountability on women’s constitutional rights and influence the institutional structures of the traditional court system.
Objective 3: IYWD target their campaign and advocacy efforts at the traditional court system for it to respect women’s constitutional rights.
This intervention primarily targets the 2500 IYWD members, who are young women in the age of 15-35 years, living in farming, mining, and rural communities in the four districts of Mazowe, Shamva, Bindura and Guruve in Mashonaland Central Province. Many of the young women are working in the informal sector or with domestic tasks in male-headed households.
1.1. By June 2018 at least 1000 members have provided inputs for the feminist strategy on power dynamics within the organisation.
1.2. By February 2019 IYWD members have identified at least 4 cross-cutting issues regarding power dynamics, which will be addressed.
1.3. IYWD has by November 2019 adopted a feminist strategy that addresses internal and external power dynamics and how to counter challenges.
2.1. IYWD members have by the end of this intervention monitored at least 100 traditional court cases and documented at least 50 court rulings.
2.2. By the end of the intervention, IYWD has 10 cases of positive achievements in influencing the traditional courts towards compliance with women’s constitutional rights.
3.1. By the end of this intervention, at least 100 court case booklets have been distributed to relevant stakeholders
3.2. At least 3 out of 13 chiefs have committed to comply with women’s constitutional rights in the court cases