Strengthening people’s power through arts and culture

Land: Swaziland

Partner: Foundation for Socio-Economic Justice (FSEJ)

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 275,026.00

Projekt start: 3/1/2015 Projekt slut: 6/30/2017 (Afsluttet)

Afrika kontakt vil i samarbejde med Foundation for Socio-Economic Justice (FSEJ), formidle menneskerettigheder i Swaziland ved hjælp af kunst og kultur. Dette gøres med henblik på at formidle menneskerettigheder til den generelle befolkning i Swaziland, samt at holde de lokale såvel som de nationale autoriteter ansvarlige i forhold til håndhævelsen af menneskerettighederne. Baggrunden for dette projekt er, at der i Swaziland sker regelmæssige brud på menneskerettighederne, samt at der som resultat af dette er foretaget fængslinger af ledende dele af oppositionen til monarkiet. Dette nødvendiggør alternative formidlingsmetoder, hvilket også er baggrunden for at inddrage kunst og kultur for på den måde at skabe en større accept, fra de ledende autoriteter i forbindelse med formidlingen af menneskerettigheder.

Overordnet mål:

The overall objective is to improve the capacity of communities to exercise human rights, formulate claims and hold authorities accountable.

Umiddelbare mål:

Specific Objective 1: FSEJ is able to integrate arts and culture as vectors for key human rights promotion.

Specific Objective 2: Increased awareness and practice of key human rights by community members and CBOs (community-based organizations) in dialogue with local authorities.

Specific Objective 3: Artistic civic education is used as a means to inform the broader public of community based human rights issues and to encourage authorities to respect their roles as duty bearers.


Target group 1a: FSEJ and partner organizations.

Target group 1b: 8400 rural community members in 70 communities and 140 rural CBOs, directly targeted by civic education.

Target group 2: Local and national authorities.


SO1. Indicator 1: 70 civic educators have been trained in conducting artistic civic education.

SO1. Indicator 2: The artistic civic educators have conducted artistic civic education in 70 communities.

SO2. Indicator 1: At least 70% of the focus group interviewees express increased knowledge and practice on key human rights.

SO2. Indicator 2: At least 50% of the targeted communities have organised meetings, activites and campaigns on local human rights issues involving local authorities.

SO2. Indicator 3: At least 50% of the CBOs understand the importance of promoting key human rights issues through their work and intend to engage in dialogue with local authorities through campaign work on key human rights issues.

SO3. Indicator 1: The broader public has been sensitized about key local human rights issues through national events and media.

SO3. Indicator 2: Key local human rights issues have been put on the national agenda and gained increased attention among duty bearers