Strength through Election

Land: Zimbabwe

Partner: Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD)

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 197,870.00

Projekt start: 7/10/2018 Projekt slut: 12/31/2018 (Afsluttet)

The objective of this intervention is to strengthen the partnership between Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) and Afrika Kontakt (AK) through collective capacity building: AK’s capacity to observe and monitor elections and IYWD’s capacity to observe and influence local and national decision-making processes. This will be achieved by observing the 2018 harmonised elections in Zimbabwe. Members from both organisations will receive training and be formally accredited as election observers. Through collective observation, IYWD and AK will strengthen their partnership and benefit from valuable research, useful in their on-going project. The findings of the observation will be published in a joint report increasing awareness of rural Zimbabwean women’s struggles. As such, the intervention will build capacity in both organisations, strengthen the partnership and ultimately be a crucial step in towards equal opportunities and participation of women in decision making in Zimbabwe.

Overordnet mål:

The objective of this intervention is a strengthened partnership between Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) and Afrika Kontakt (AK) through collective capacity building: AK’s capacity to observe and monitor elections and IYWD’s capacity to observe and influence local and national decision-making processes.

Umiddelbare mål:

The objective of this intervention is a strengthened partnership between Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) and Afrika Kontakt (AK) through collective capacity building: AK’s capacity to observe and monitor elections and IYWD’s capacity to observe and influence local and national decision-making processes.


Primary target group: 2500 members of IYWD consisting of young women in the age group 15-35 years, living in farming, mining and rural communities in the four districts of Mazove, Shamwa, Bindura and Guruve in Mashonaland Central Province. Secondary target groups and stakeholders The secondary target group is the rural women in Mashonaland Central.


Obtained capabilities in observing elections through trainings as election observers. A press statement will be released on the immediate conclusions on the election will ensure that the experiences and observations from civil society is given public attention. The intervention has supported the development of a concrete strategy that seeks to enhance the feminist aspect to AK’s partnerships and interventions in order to understand and oppose capitalism and patriarchy in contexts beyond Zimbabwe.


