Southern African Right 2 Say No Campaign

Lande: Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Partnere: Alternative Information and Development Centre; Trust for Community Outreach and Education

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 498,032.00

Projekt start: 10/15/2018 Projekt slut: 4/1/2019 (Afsluttet)

The intervention builds on the long-standing partnership between Afrika Kontakt, Alternative Information and Development Centre, Trust for Community Outreach and Education, and other civil society organisations in southern Africa, who have previously participated in the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT). The objective of the intervention is to consolidate and strengthen the relations between and with civil society in the Southern Africa, by participation in the final PPT and the Thematic Social Forum, both of which works toward holding transnational corporations accountable for their abuse and violations. This is done by initiating the Right 2 Say No campaign, after the Social Forum, which seeks to ensure local communities’ rights to freely decide how their lands are used and for what.

Overordnet mål:

To consolidate and strengthen the relations between and with civil society in the Southern Africa, by participation in the final Southern Africa Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal and the Thematic Social Forum, in order to hold transnational corporations accountable for their abuse and violations.

Umiddelbare mål:

– Gathering material to create a strong basis for the Southern African (and later global) Right 2 Say No Campaign

– Strengthening the solidarity movement and inter-organisational network through participation in the Permanent People’s Tribunal 2018 and Thematic Social Forum 2018


Primary target groups

  1. Members of the organisations participating in PPT and TSF – The regional participants come from South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia Madagascar, Swaziland and DRC – Combined the participating organisations have a rough estimate of 20.600 members – A rough estimate of the immediate reach is around 1.500.000 people – The participating organisations create a network of around 400 affiliated organisations
  2. Affected communities that are not already participating in the PPT and TSF.

Secondary target groups

  1. Potential solidarity partners to the movement – CSOs and unions in the region
  2. National and regional decision makers.
  3. Local, regional and global media
  4. International solidarity organisations


  • Lessons, findings, experiences and momentum from both Permanent People’s Tribunal and Thematic Social Forum will be recorded and feed directly into the Right 2 Say No Campaign.
  • A final report will be written on the PPT and TSF, which will be distributed to the SADC Heads of State and used part of the campaigning work.
  • Participating communities and CSOs will have begun a process of better organisation through subsequent continuing organising and mobilisation.
  • AK partner in Swaziland, Swaziland United Democratic Front (SUDF), will participate in the PPT as they are hosting their first tribunal as part of a CISU intervention. SUDF will therefore learn from AIDC on how to host a tribunal.


