Partner Seminar 2017 – Building stronger alliances for common struggles

Lande: Mozambique, Somaliland*, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, Zimbabwe

Partnere: m.fl. HAQSOOR for Peace, Human Rights and Environment Protection

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 399,993.00

Projekt start: 1/1/2017 Projekt slut: 12/31/2017 (Afsluttet)

Politik- og kampagneseminaret har til formål at styrke kapaciteten hos Syd-partnerne til at udføre mere effektfulde advocacy- og kampagneaktiviteter, lokalt, regionalt og internationalt. Behovet for at styrke partnernes evne til at indgå i regionalt og internationalt samarbejde er blevet yderligere understreget de seneste to år. AK og partnere har arbejdet på at styrke indsatsen i enkelte organisationer, men formålet med at samle alle partnere til et fem- dages seminar er at skabe en fælles platform for gensidig læring og strategisk planlægning. Seminaret vil også skabe et vigtigt rum for læring for nye partnere, samt give mulighed for at flere udvalgte partnere sammen kan færdiggøre en fælles kampagne for efteråret 2017. Ud over selve seminaret er aktiviteterne og opsamlingen af viden op til og efter seminaret også en afgørende del af partnerskabsaktiviteten i forhold til dokumentation af læring og styrkelsen af kommende fælles indsatser.

Overordnet mål:

The overall objective of the intervention is: Through a better understanding of how the local struggles of AK’s partners are linked to the global political and economic system, the ability of AK and partners to engage in regional and international advocacy campaigns is strengthened.

Umiddelbare mål:

1. AK and partners gain a shared understanding of the global structures and their influence on the partners’ daily struggles as well as how the daily struggles can influence the global structures

2. AK and partners has expanded their ability to use innovative campaign tools in international campaigning efforts, herein tools for direct civil action and ways to use social media for mobilization.

3. AK and partners agree on strategic advocacy cooperation and develop shared initiatives


AK and Partners.


  • Through a thorough analysis, AK and partners have mapped the global political and economic system and how it influences the local struggles of the partner organizations.
  • AK and partners have increased their understanding of how the major regional and global institutions work, with the view of an increased ability to influence them.
  • Through the mapping of likeminded CSO networks, the ability to engage in regional and international CSO networks has been strengthened.
  • Partners’ use of social media will be more strategic on who to target and how to create awareness of their struggles nationally and internationally.
  • Partners’ ‘idea catalogue’ on different ways of conducting successful peaceful civic action has been expanded.
  • Partners has gained increased capacity for direct civil action for change including new ideas on how to create momentum for political campaigning and mobilization for change
  • After the seminar, AK and partners will have finalized the concept and division of responsibilities for the shared 2017 fall campaign
  • After the seminar AK and partners will have a joint campaign calendar to facilitate the cooperation for 2017 and 2018, highlighting opportunities for cooperation and shared calls for action, such as Women’s rights Day, Workers day and the climate summits.


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