Panel: Real climate justice vs false green solutions

Hvornår: 13. maj 2024 | 18:00 til 18:00
Hvor: Forsyningen, Fælledvej 12, 2200 København N
Forsyningen, Fælledvej 12, 2200 København N

*English below*

Der er mange undskyldninger for ikke at reducere vores udledninger, men hvad er egentlig konsekvenserne af denne tilgang til at håndtere klimakrisen? Hvordan påvirker det mennesker andre steder i verden, når store virksomheder køber aflad gennem skovplantningsprojekter? Eller når vind og sol stilles op på lokale folks land uden deres samtykke?

Mandag d. 13. maj kl 18 inviterer Global Aktion og Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse til en panelsamtale om falske klimaløsninger og hvordan en reelt retfærdig omstilling faktisk ser ud. Det foregår i Forsyningen på Fælledvej 12, 2200 Kbh N.

Panelet består af Uzna, Andile og Dany, som er repræsentanter for tre af Global Aktions partnerorganisationer, og som alle på forskellig vis arbejder med at engagere lokalsamfund i kampen for en retfærdig grøn omstilling. Læs mere om Uzna, Andile og Dany nedenfor.


There are many excuses for not reducing our emissions, but what are the actual consequences of this approach to the climate crises? How does it affect people around the world when large corporations buy carbon credits through tree planting projects? Or when solar and wind are constructed on indigenous peoples land without consent?

Monday the 13th of May at 18 Global Aktion and The Green Youth Movement invites you to join this panel conversation on false climate solutions and real climate justice. It will be at Forsyningen, Fælledvej 12, 2200 KBH N.

The panel:

Andile Zulu is the Energy Democracy Officer at the Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC) in Cape Town South Africa. His work focuses on research and political advocacy on issues such as energy democracy, climate and economic justice from a Left perspective. He is also a political commentator who has written for local and international publications such as the Mail & Guardian and Jacobin.

Uzna Monteiro Arone Malunga is officer of the climate justice program at Alternactiva – Action for Social Emancipation in Mozambique. Uzna is co-founder of The Feminist Brunch, a collective focused on decolonizing feminisms and healing black women and a focal point for queer women issues in Mozambique, researching and documenting queer stories from portuguese speaking countries.

Dany Marie is an eco-socio political activist in Mauritius. Dany is Assistant Project Manager for The Centre of Alternative Research and Studies (CARES) and Project Coordinator for the International School of Ecology. She is also a founding member of the eco-socialist party Rezistans ek Alternativ.