Dziwani – Kuti Pantsi na bzacilengwedwe mpsanu! (Know – the land and natural resources belong to you!)

Land: Mozambique

Partner: Associacão de Apoio e Assistência Jurídica as Comunidades (AAAJC)

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 498,151.00

Projekt start: 4/1/2014 Projekt slut: 12/31/2015 (Afsluttet)

Under the context of the rapid expansion of coal mining in Tete province (Mozambique), it has been brought large environmental, social and economic impact for the larger communities close to the coal extraction and transportation regions. The most immediately affected people (and arguably the worst affected) are the resettled families. Several communities were resettled to make way for the Vale S.A. concession into the rural settlement of Cateme and the urban settlement of 25 de Setembro in Moatize, resulting in 360 families removed elsewhere. Some 679 households were moved to make way for Rio Tinto’s Benga coal mine. Many more concessions are in various stages of the approval process, and all may entail resettlement and other impacts on the local population. Moreover, in Tete alone the government has tied up 60% of the province’s land in mining concessions of one type or another. Presently, Jindal Steel and Power is preparing to implement its resettlement plan for the Cassoca and Xissica communities in Tete. Taking into consideration the context above, this project intends to strengthen Associacão de Apoio e Assistência Jurídica as Comunidades (AAAJC) in mobilizing the communities that are being resettled by the international mining companies. With this, the project wants to contribute to the long term development of a strong movement of the poor farmers who are unable to speak for themselves towards the authorities and mining companies, and thereby protect their access to land.

Umiddelbare mål:

1: After 18 months, AAAJC has strengthened its capacity needed to mobilize the communities. 2: After 18 months, mobilization and capacity building enables 6 communities of Tete province to better exercise their right to land.


The project focuses on 2 primary target-groups: the AAAJC organization and 6 communities of Tete province affected by the mining companies (Waenera, Nhassanga, Chissua, Kassoca, Rovunbwe, Mpanda-Nkua). The project will target 20,980 women, 8,720 men and 16,400 children and a special focus will be on the women as they are potential strong leaders and organizers, and to the young people facing deprived settings, as their energy and know-how will be valuable in reaching the objectives.


Indicators for the first immediate objective:

  • 51 AAAJC activists have an enhanced knowledge on mobilization and legislation related to natural resources.
  • 15 new AAAJC activists have been approved on AAAJC’s general assembly.
  • The board in AAAJC has established and approved written guidelines for information sharing.
  • 6 new communities needing AAAJC’s assistance identified.

Indicators for the second immediate objective:

  • 6 commissions of neighbors are elected democratically
  • The 6 commissions of neighbors meet once a month in the last six months of the project
  • The 6 commissions of neighbors have claimed their rights by using either demonstrations, consultations with government, or companies and court assignments to get injunctions
  • The paralegals function as a link between the commissions of neighbours and AAAJC

