Consolidation of People’s Power for a Democratic Breakthrough in Swaziland

Countries: Swaziland

Partners: Swaziland United Democratic Front (SUDF)

Allocated amount: DKK 2.200.000

Project start: 01/12/2020 Project end: 30/11/2022

In the pursuit of a democratic transformation in Swaziland, this intervention builds upon the experience and momentum gained from past interventions in the partnership between SUDF and Global Aktion (GA), which is respectively a consolidated network of community organizers, shop stewards from the labour movement and strong affiliate organizations in order to employ a fundamentally new strategy and a platform for reaching new strategically vital target groups. Previous interventions have created a solid and well trained organisation with a large network of affiliates, representing a large number of people. However, the major remaining challenge is the lack of democratic transformation in Swaziland. This intervention aims to address this by gearing up advocacy efforts in the network built by previous interventions and including new target groups.

Development objective:

SUDF has consolidated and deepened the operational capacity of the democratic movement in Swaziland, to mobilize marginalized groups, to achieve sustainable democratic change.

Immediate objectives:

The intervention builds on three immediate objectives: 

1: SUDF will develop and adopt a feminist strategy internally and to build capacity among its affiliate organisations to integrate a feminist perspective in all activities.

2: SUDF will consolidate its position as central to the democratic movement and expand its outreach and network by engaging new strategic target groups and partners in the region.

3: SUDF will to execute sustained and amplified campaigns and perform mass mobilizations based on a new feminist strategy.

Target groups:

The primary target groups consist of the unemployed youth leaders and female leaders as well as SUDF leadership, affiliates, community organizers and shop stewards.  In total this amounts to 250 persons. The secondary target group is the wider Swazi population, with a particular focus on women and the unemployed youth who are expected to be affected by the outcome of the activities.