Citizen empowerment to activate Constitutional Rights and State Responsibility

Land: Zimbabwe

Partner: Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA)

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 1,579,324.00

Projekt start: 7/1/2014 Projekt slut: 2/29/2016 (Afsluttet)

Med Zimbabwes ny forfatning i 2013 blev en række sociale, økonomiske og politiske rettigheder grundlovsfæstet. Projektet udbreder kendskabet til de nyvundne rettigheder og styrker kvinders muligheder for at holde staten ansvarlig for at aktivere de nye rettigheder. Afrika Kontakts samarbejdspartner Women of Zimbabwe Arises (WOZA) medlemsbase vil modtage uddannelse i de ny rettigheders indhold og rækkevidde. Med denne viden vil WOZA mobilisere medlemmerne til ikke-voldelige kollektive aktioner både for at udøve disse rettigheder og samtidig stille krav om, at staten tager ansvar for at etablere de institutioner og øvrige grundlag, som er nødvendige, for at rettighederne kan virkeliggøres i praksis. Projektet vil derudover skabe øget opmærksomhed hos den brede zimbabwiske befolkning om specifikke rettigheder som fri grundskoleuddannelse, adgang til rent vand og fri forsamlingsret. Derudover vil WOZAs evne til at tale for marginaliserede kvinders rettigheder blive styrket.

Overordnet mål:

A Zimbabwe with a democratically elected leadership, guided by the Constitution, which respects human rights and works in partnership with an engaged citizenry towards the achievement of social and economic justice

Umiddelbare mål:

1. By the end of the project period, constitutional rights defenders mainly women, are empowered through civic education to participate as self-confident active citizens to demand constitutional rights.

2. By the end of the project Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) will have raised public awareness and influenced public opinion on specific constitutional rights through lobby and advocacy campaigning and mobilisation of collective non-violent actions.

3. By the end of the project WOZA is strengthened as a democratic, accountable and capacitated movement with structures that practice shared leadership and cooperate fully with members and their communities.


The primary target group comprises the 10,000 active WOZA members. The secondary target group includes the 75,000 remaining card-holding WOZA members.


  • Training of trainers of 400 coaches in civic education on constitutional rights in Harare and Bulawayo.
  • 12.600 members from rural and urban areas participated in workshops for education in constitutional rights.
  • Three Focus Group Meetings on identifying lobby and advocacy focus areas.
  • Publication of one advocacy report proving WOZA’s influence on policy makers and as an advocate for social change.
  • Information work produced and distributed.
  • Four protests with leaders and members, numbering 1,000 in each protest, exercising their right to peaceful protest.
  • Registration of additional contact information for the 10,000 members already registered in the WOZA database.
  • WOZA’s secretariat has implemented a pilot communication system and produced a future direct communication strategy and action plan.
  • Two exchange of experience and partnership workshops with WOZA, Afrika Kontakt (AK) and other AK’s partners in Zimbabwe


