Building Climate Justice Advocacy with Small-Scale Farmers in Southern and Eastern Africa

Lande: Zimbabwe Angola Uganda South Africa Mozambique Madagascar Democratic Republic of Congo Tanzania

Partnere: La Via Campesina Southern and Eastern Africa, Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers’ Forum (ZIMSOFF)

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 1,999,146.00

Projekt start: 12/10/2016 Projekt slut: 7/15/2018 (Afsluttet) 

Interventionens mål er at styrke LVCs regionale gren i det sydøstlige Afrika i deres kamp for klimaretfærdighed. LVC arbejder på globalt plan for at promovere agroøkologi og madsuvernænitet, som småbønders løsninger på klimakrisen og agroindustriens dominans. I den sydøstlige gren (LVC SEAf) er mulighederne for udførelse ikke så stærk som i de øvrige regioner, og der er mangel på dokumentation af småbønders forværrede kår grundet klimaforandringer, hvilket stiller medlemsbasen svagt i henhold til fortalervirksomhed. Interventionen sigter på at dokumentere og opbygge medlemmernes vidensbase omkring klimaforandringer. Dernæst søger interventionen at opbygge LVC SEAf internt med henblik på en styrket fortalervirksomhedsindsats, særligt i regionale beslutningsprocesser i SADC. Den primære målgruppe er LVC SEAfs medlemsorganisationer, hvor indsatsen vil gavne ca. 1.250.000 mennesker.

Overordnet mål:

The advocacy skills and infrastructures of LVC’s members are strengthened resulting in raised awareness of the climate justice movement and the regional struggles of small-scale farmers.

Umiddelbare mål:

1) By July 2018 LVC SEAf and its constituencies have increased documented knowledge on agroecology and climate justice

2) By July 2018 LVC SEAf has increased capacity to advocate for just climate solutions and agroecology at regional level

3) By July 2018 LVC SEAf contributes to putting climate justice and agroecology on the regional agenda in the SADC region and evaluated the effort


The primary target group is comprised of key personnel in the nine LVC SEAf member organizations who are responsible for advocacy activities and knowledge sharing and dissemination. The secondary target group consists of the constituents of the LVC SEAf member organizations. They comprises of a total of more than 1.250.000 members, of which more than half are women. There are approximately 10.000 small-scale farmers in Zimbabwe, 2965 in South Africa, 147.022 in Madagascar, 160.800 in Congo, 101.300 in Mozambique, 834.367 in Angola, 250.000 in Tanzania and 14.750 in Uganda.


1.a: LVC SEAf has gathered and documented knowledge of the constituencies and produced multimedia material and publications MoV: (1) F2F reports, (2) Research studies, (3) Multimedia material, (4) Proof of delivery of primer to LVC SEAf members

1.b: Documented knowledge from activity 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.2.1 is distributed amongst LVC SEAf members through three electronic publications MoV: (1) Electronic publications sent to all member organisations of LVC SEAf

1.c: Primary target group are capable of articulating main arguments for agroecology and climate justice and use these arguments as part of their daily work with constituents and advocacy MoV: (1) Interviews with representatives from at least five member organisations at activity 2.1.2 (2) Minutes from regional event

2.a: At least 8 out of 9 member organisation representatives express increased knowledge on advocacy and can mention concrete examples of how they have used it MoV: (1) Interviews with representatives from all member organizations at activity 2.1.2 (2) Minutes from regional events

2.b: At least 8 out of 9 member organisation representatives have adopted the multimedia material and publications as advocacy tools and can give concrete examples of how they have used them MoV: (1) Interviews with representatives from all member organizations at activity 2.1.2 (2) Minutes from regional event

3.a: At least three media outlets in the region have covered the happening and/or open letter to the SADC Ministers of Agriculture from activity 3.1.1 and 3.1.4 MoV: (1) Articles (web and paper) (2) Broadcast coverage (TV/radio/online)

3.b: At least five positive responses to the primer have been received from stakeholders such as decision-makers and/or other civil society actors MoV: (1) Emails, (2) Minutes from meetings, (3) Social media response, (4) Statements

3.c: The multimedia material has been shared on social media and Facebook by AK, LVC SEAf/International and member organisations MoV: (1) At least 2000 in total for the following three: responses, likes and shares
