Moving from thinking beyond COVID-19 to thinking and acting within COVID-19 – Partnership seminar in GAs global solidarity alliance

Countries: Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, Zimbabwe and many more


Allocated Amount: kr. 499,758.00

Project start: 1/3/2022 Project end: 1/10/2023 (Afsluttet)

The purpose of this intervention is to meet the urgent need of our partners to address the increasing problems of shrinking civic space, which COVID-19 has amplified through two years of lockdowns, legal interventions and restrictions on traveling. As a solidarity movement, Global Aktion needs to react to these circumstances in solidarity with our network. In order to meet this purpose, this intervention consists of a week-long partnership seminar where participants from all of GA’s solidarity network meet physically in a coalition to build and regenerate trust, strengthen our alliances, and share strategies to combat the injustices stemming from the current as well as future crises of shrinking civic space.

Development Goal:

A physical meeting across the South-to-South-based network of partners is a unique opportunity to meet in a safe space with like-minded organisations to build and regenerate strong bonds of mutual trust, share and learn from each other. Simultaneously, it is a way to develop common strategies of how to confront the struggles associated with the COVID-19 crisis, in order to continue and strengthen the common political struggles through these historically difficult circumstances. Looking into a future where learning to navigate within a new pandemic will likely be the new normal in most of the contexts of GAs partners the theme of this partnership seminar is: Moving from thinking beyond COVID-19 to thinking and acting within COVID-19

Immediate goals:

  1. GA and partners gain a shared understanding of the global structures and their influence on the partners’ daily struggles as well as how the daily struggles can influence the global structures
  2. GA and partners has expanded their ability to use innovative campaign tools in international campaigning efforts, herein tools for direct civil action and ways to use social media for mobilization.
  3. GA and partners agree on strategic advocacy cooperation and develop shared initiatives

Target group:

Global Aktion and Partners.