Vote Run Lead Reloaded

Countries: Zimbabwe

Partners: Institute for Young Women Development’s (IYWD)

Allocated amount: DKK 2.085.182

Project start: 01/01/2021 Project end: 01/02/2024

The intervention aims to strengthen political representation of young women and women (YWW) as political candidates in Parliament and Local Councils in Zimbabwe. Furthermore, the intervention seeks to advance women’s participation in the electoral process as active citizens who vote, and observe the 2023 harmonised election. Moreover, use the same window of opportunity created by the election to engage and influence the political agenda to be more responsive to women’s needs and rights.

Development objective:

The proposed intervention takes a two-pronged strategy entailing an ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’ approach to include YWW in the electoral process. The insider approach aims at strengthening the supply side of YWW candidates to enhance their political representation in Parliament and Local Councils and relates to objective one. The outsider approach seeks to advance women’s participation in the electoral process as active citizens who vote, observe the election and use the same window of opportunity created by the election to engage and influence the political agenda to be more responsive to women’s needs and rights hence relating to the immediate objective two. 

Immediate objectives:

The intervention builds on two immediate objectives: 

1: Feminist leadership has been fostered among female political candidates and YWW political representation has increased.

2:  Young women have demanded democratic spaces for electoral participation of young women  

Target groups:

The first target group consists of 700 out of IYWD’s 5000 members, in the ages between 15 and 35. The second primary target group consists of 80 YWW who aspire to contest as candidates in the 2023 harmonised election including political party candidates and independent candidates