From Victims to Change Agents – Young Women Demand Access to Decision Making

Land: Zimbabwe

Partner: Institute of Young Women Development (IYWD), Institute of Young Women Development (IYWD)

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 1,423,833.00

Projekt start: 4/1/2015 Projekt slut: 1/31/2018 (Afsluttet)

Projektet udføres i et partnerskab mellem Afrika Kontakt og Young Women Development (IYWD). Projektet har til formål at støtte de unge kvindelige medlemmer af Institute for Young Women Development i Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe i at blive forandringsagenter, der aktivt deltager i og påvirker beslutningsprocesser internt i Institute for IYWD og eksternt i deres lokalsamfund samt at skabe anerkendelse af organisationen som legitimt talerør for unge kvinder i provinsen. Det vil ske ved at udvikle organisationen til at være demokratisk og drevet af et medlemsvalgt lederskab og få sekretariat klædt på til at handle i en demokratisk struktur. Derudover vil lederskab og medlemmer uddannes i at identificere indsatsområder, anvende ikke-voldelige metoder og udøve fortalervirksomhed.

Overordnet mål:

Women are change agents actively participating and influence decision making processes at a local and national level in order for them to access political and socioeconomic rights.

Umiddelbare mål:

Immediate Objective 1. By 2017 IYWD is a democratic member driven organisation of actively involved members participating in IYWD decision making processes

Immediate Objective 2. The IYWD members are empowered young women able to identify areas for intervention on issues concerning their daily lives and skilled to advocate and push for change.

Immediate Objective 3. Capacitated members take action on local issues affecting their lives


The primary target group of the project are young women in remote communities that include rural, farming and mining communities of Mashonaland Central province.


Immediate Objective 1.

  • By November 2015 all (approximately 2000) current members are registered into a database
  • By December 2015, all members are informed and aware of the content of the IYWD constitution
  • By September 2015, minimum of 100 members have participated in the inaugural IYWD AGM where the constitution has been adopted and a board has been democratically elected (vote results, participant list, minutes from AGM).
  • By December 2015, 1 WDC leader has been elected in each of the 25 wards in the target areas in line with the election procedures in the adopted constitution
  • From January 2016 to the end of the project, 80 percent of the WDCs are conducting meeting at regular basis, at least every second month
  • From January 2016 to the end of the project, 80 percent of the WDCs are conducting meeting at regular basis, at least every second month
  • By March 2016, systems and procedures for management and clear division of roles and responsibilities of the organisation between board, secretariat and WDC leaders are clarified.
  • By March 2016, systems and procedures for management and clear division of roles and responsibilities of the organisation between board, secretariat and WDC leaders are clarified.
  • The secretariat is informed about members’ issues

Immediate Objective 2.

  • 400 members are educated in methods and skills to advocate and execute civil action
  • 1 external advocacy activity per ward have been motivated and initiated by elected leaders with participation of members
  • WDC leaders are skilled and able to leading at least six (6) civil action campaign activities in total

Immediate Objective 3.

  • Members have identified one (1) local decision-making process and body for advocacy campaigning.
  • At least 300 members have exercised their right to civic action and used non-violent action skills.
  • IYWD leaders facilitate 1 stakeholder meeting where they make appropriate demands.
  • The stakeholders act on at least four (4) issues in total raised by IYWD.
  • IYWD members are invited to/attain access to and actively participate in a selected local decision-making process in each ward.