Strengthening the relationship between the labour sector and the democratic movement in Swaziland

Land: Swaziland

Partner: Swaziland United Democratic Front (SUDF)

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 84,370.00

Projekt start: 7/1/2019 Projekt slut: 9/30/2019 (Afsluttet)

Dette er en genansøgning. Følgebrev om grunde til afvisning og foretagede ændringer er indsat på første side i ansøgningsteksten. Dette projekt vil styrke Global Aktions partner i Swaziland, Swaziland United Democratic Front (SUDF)’s kapacitet igennem planlægning, afholdelse og evaluering af en netværkskonference (Labour Networking Summit) for SUDF selv og TUCOSWA, som er en sammenslutning af fagforeninger i Swaziland. Deltagerne i denne konference er en blanding af SUDF’s og TUCOSWA’s medlemmer (tillidsmænd og almindelige arbejdere) med et flertal af kvinder. Formålet med denne netværkskonference er at bygge en stærk alliance mellem demokrati- og fagbevægelsen i Swaziland, så de sammen kan stå stærkere i kampen mod det undertrykkende regime. En del af projektet går ud på at planlægge nærmere, hvordan et nyt initiativ som dette bedst kan føres ud livet, sådan så det bliver startskuddet til et langvarigt samarbejde mellem SUDF og TUCOSWA og dermed en rigtig stærk og bredt funderet demokratibevægelse med fagforeninger som vigtige aktører.

Overordnet mål:

The specific objective of this intervention is to increase the capacity of Global Aktion (GA)’s partner in Swaziland, the Swaziland United Democratic Front (SUDF) in order to facilitate the inclusion of the recently strengthened Trade Union Congress of Swaziland (TUCOSWA) through a new initiative, a Labour Networking Summit (LNS). The LNS will go towards sustainably aligning the political and labour struggles of TUCOSWA and SUDF in the long-term. All this should re-engage the labour sector and its members and their push for democracy. In this recent fragile opening of political space it is important to keep up the pressure on the regime.

Umiddelbare mål:

SUDF will consolidate their relationship with the labour sector by the preparation and creation of the networking summit for labour activists from TUCOSWA, including youth, women and both workers and unemployed, to align political strategies going forward and build up their capabilities as activists. The LNS will create a platform to coordinate and discuss strategies going forward and in the long run hopefully lead to a sustainable partnership between SUDF and TUCOSWA. Beside this, the intervention will also work in compliment to the current ongoing 2018-2020 CISU-financed project “Push for a People’s Government” (PPG), in particular supporting objective 2 and 3: Objective 2: SUDF staff is an effective and stable support network for its affiliates and have improved their skills in communicating their vision externally. Objective 3: SUDF continues its work as a united organisation in the development and execution of mass mobilisation to keep up a sustained pressure on the regime.


Primary target groups/ participants

  1. Swaziland United Democratic Front (SUDF)
  2. Trade Union Congress of Swaziland (TUCOSWA)
  3. Leaders and shop stewards within TUCOSWA

Secondary target groups

  1. TUCOSWA’s 83.000 members
  2. Swazi workers, that is both women and men, mainly between the ages of 18 to 40 years, including both those in and out of employment, who will be impacted by SUDF’s progress. At the Labour Networking Summit (LNS), 60 participants will attend. The participants will be a mix of around 60% women and 40% men attending. This includes: 25 SUDF members (20 organizers and 5 from SUDF’s board The National Executive Commitee (NEC)) and 30 participants from TUCOSWA (15 shop stewards, both male and female, 10 representatives from TUCOSWA’s women subdepartment and 5 representatives from their youth subdepartment). Both women and youth are large vulnerable groups in the Swazi society, which is why they are important to include in the LNS.


1. Stronger bonds between the labour sector and the democracy advocates stronger. Specifically, to ally TUCOSWA’s members with SUDF and their affiliates, and thus together stand stronger in the common fight for a democratic Swaziland. This project is based on aims of long-term solutions and has an obvious inbuilt sustainable dimension.

2. Preparation of plans and strategies for the future work between SUDF and TUCOSWA including scoping, SWAT analysis and project planning.