Dziwani III

Land: Mozambique

Partner: AAAJC – Associação de Apoio e Assistência Jurídica às Comunidades

Bevilliget beløb: kr. 2,986,730.00

Projekt start: 7/1/2019 Projekt slut: 6/30/2022

In spite of a Mozambican legislation that gives the communities the right to compensation, prior consultation and the right to a part of the revenue from the extractive industries on their lands, the increased activity from extractive industries has not yet resulted in socio-economic development. The project proposal is a continuation of the Dziwani I and Dziwani II projects, implemented in Tete province, Mozambique, by the partners of the Mozambican NGO AAAJC and the Danish Afrika Kontakt during 2015-16 and 2016-19.In the Dziwani III project the local awareness-building and organisation from these projects will be turned into an effective tool for advocacy for the rights stated in Mozambican Law as well as for improving the liveliness. This will lead to advocacy at local, provincial and in particular at national levels.The experience achieved from Tete province will be transformed into support for the local population in an area in Niassa province, where the extraction of local resources are just about to begin.

Overordnet mål:

Local communities in Mozambique are sustainably empowered to know and enforce their legal and human rights vis-à-vis the national and local government and the extractive industries.

Umiddelbare mål:

1. A systematic advocacy effort has taken place at local, national and international levels, applying pressure on the Mozambican government and extractive industries to act in accordance with Mozambican law and human rights, with regards to extraction of natural resources in Mozambique.

2. AAAJC has capacitated and empowered the local population and local CSO’s in the Lago district in Niassa Province has been capacitated to defend their human and legal rights, using capacity and experience gained by AAAJC from Dziwani I and II.

3. The communities, affected by the extractive industries in Tete have been empowered to defend their legal and human rights through the strengthening and networking of Natural Resources Management Committees (NRMCs) and the empowerment and increased inclusion of women in these committees.


The Dziwani lll project has the communities affected by the extractive industry in the Tete province (central Mozambique) and Niassa province (Northern Mozambique) as its main target groups. The principal target group for the Dziwani III project is the affected communities, consisting of: No. of families No. of women No. of men No. of children Province of Tete 19.105 46.496 34.802 14.227 Province of Niassa 8.276 19.930 12.078 12.506 Total 27.381 66.426 46.880 26.731 The principal target group for the Dxziwani III project is the above listed affected families. This group is the one whose livelihood in particular has suffered or will suffer from the exploitation activities, and they are the ones with least knowledge of their rights as well as of ways to set these rights through. Within these communities, the project specifically works with and target capacity-building of the NRMCs, as these committees are the principal means for communication and information to the broader population within the communities. The CSOs in Tete and Niassa provinces, like the UCA, which is a partner of AAAJC on different platforms, are the second target group for the project. They are involved because they have keen interest in the well-being of the primary target group. During the cooperation they pick up new methodologies for dialogue and work with the target group. Government officials at local, provincial and national levels take a special position: On the one hand, they are an important secondary target group in the sense that their cooperation is crucial for fulfilling the Mozambican law on remuneration of the local population in areas for the activities of extractive industries. On the other hand, however, the Government officials will be subject to demands and protests initiated by the local communities if they don’t fulfil their obligations according to law.


1.1.1. By July 2020, ongoing dialogue between community representatives and extractive industries in Tete has led to unequivocal improvements of environmental and community life conditions

1.1.2. By Apr. 2021, objections have been raised and public debate has taken place at provincial and national levels, concerning the human rights violations by major extractive companies in Tete

1.1.3 By Jul. 2021 cases on violations have been presented to the people’s tribunal of SADC

1.2.1. By Jan 2022 at least 50% of remunerations due for Vale’s extractions of coal in Moatize has been transferred to representatives of the local population around the mine.

1.2.2. By July 2021 two petitions from the NRMC network has been presented to the parliament of the republic, the provincial parliament and the ombudsman.

2.1.1. By July 2020, a local AAAJC office is set up in Niassa, capable of supporting the creation of a network of NRMCs and of supporting anticipatory activities regarding the planned new coal mine in the Lago District

2.1.2. By July 2020 a formal demand has been filed with the Government at the national and provincial level for the elaboration of an Environmental Impact Assessment for the planned coalmine in the Lago district

2.1.3. By Apr. 2021 public debate has been generated in Niassa on the pros and cons of opening a large coalmine in the Lago District

2.2.1 By Jan. 2021, with AAAJC’s support, 7] NRMCs in Niassa have been formed and have applied for legal recognition.

2.2.2. By Jan 2021, channels for communication and exchange of experience have been set up and are used on a monthly basis between NRMCs in Tete and Niassa

2.2.3. By July 2021, an ongoing dialogue has been established between Niassa CSOs/NRMC network with relevant government and industry stakeholders on extraction of natural resources in the Lago district, to demand transparency and to facilitate negotiations

3.1.1. By Jul. 2020, all 11 NRMCs have detailed recognition as legal entities representing their respective communities

3.1.2. by Jul. 2020, Tete NRMC-network has agreed on a set of statutes to inform its work and agreed on a strategy for the following 2 years

3.1.3. by Jan. 2021 the Tete NRMC-network has planned and carried out 3 activities to create publicity about the rights violations and to demand that authorities and extractive industries take action to remedy these violations

3.2.1. By Jan. 2022, the network has an annual budget, which is elaborated, approved and successfully implemented

3.2.2. By May 2022, the network has formulated a new 2 year strategy including the activities it wishes to carry out without direct support from AAAJC

3.3.1. By Dec. 2021 at least 50% of the NRMCs have a female participation of at least 35% (of persons present) in board/management meetings

3.3.2. By 2021, NRMC-led activities and meetings with local authorities and extractive industries, have a female participation of at least 20%

3.3.3.By June 2021, at least 20% of remunerations received by the NRMCs are earmarked for activities that primarily benefit women

3.3.4 By Jan. 2021, at least 50% of the activities of the savings groups are making a profit