Pathway to Climate Justice

Lande: Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe


Bevilliget beløb: kr. 3,368,765.00

Projekt start: 1/1/2019 Projekt slut: 7/1/2021

This intervention seeks to capacity-develop and strengthen La Via Campesina (LVC) as a social movement in its efforts to attain the just representation of rural communities, indigenous peoples, and smallholders in the face of climate change within the region of Southern and Eastern Africa (SEAf). LVC SEAf works to promote the just and participatory farmer-led solutions of agroecology and food sovereignty in a political climate that tends to marginalise these groups. Strengthening the infrastructure of LVC SEAf’s member organisations by national trainings, research, networking activities, production and operationalisation of advocacy tools, facilitation of strategic meetings and coordinated advocacy efforts are set in motion to spread visibility, mobilise constituencies and influence decision-making at local, national and regional levels. Building on a previous intervention, the partners seek to amplify and operationalise several outputs and learnings through a new strategic approach to ensure climate justice in the region.

Overordnet mål:

Peasant agroecology and climate justice are integral to everyday practices of SSFPs and formative to agrarian and climate change policy in South and Eastern Africa on local, national and regional level.

Umiddelbare mål:

1: By July 2021, LVC SEAf has strengthened the infrastructure within the network that enables effective dissemination of knowledge on Peasant Agroecology and Climate Justice internally at national and sub-national level.

2: By July 2021, LVC SEAf has expanded its reach among SSFPs in the region, consolidated the network at national level and evaluated the effort.

3: By July 2021, LVC SEAf have used new alliances to create awareness of CJ/AE and present the demands of SEAf SSFPs to decision makers on national and regional level.


The primary target group of this intervention are all the constituents of the LVC SEAf member organisations. The constituents comprise a total of approximately 550.000 SSFPs, of which more than half are women. Such SSFPs are amongst the poorest, most marginalised groups in the SEAf region, and are extremely vulnerable to climate change. The member organisations represent a mix of men, women and young people, reflecting the selection requirements of gender equality and the advocating of women’s and youth struggles of LVC. This group will be targeted through the catalysing effect of the secondary target group, which will be expanded on in the following. The secondary target group are those who participate in or are directly affected by the project implementation. This group primarily consists of key constituents of the eight LVC SEAf member organisations, as opposed to key personnel on the regional level, who were the focus of the first intervention. The reason for this shift in focus is due to the increased capacity of the latter to affect internal (constituent level) and external (national policy influencing and alliance building level) change, and the need to disseminate and build upon this capacity in the proposed intervention. Indirect target group: By means of the human rights based approach to advocacy, the aim of the intervention is to ultimately benefit all SSFP in the South and Eastern Africa, approximately 100 million people throughout the region.


  • 1a. Publications and materials has been developed and translated into 7 national contexts. MoV: Production of: (1) Four research studies, (2) the comparative study, (3) Multimedia material, (4) Popular education material, (5) Compilation of curriculum
  • 1b. All 8 designated member organizations have received the curriculum and pedagogical tool (soft infrastructure). MoV: Proof of delivery to LVC SEAf member organisations.
  • 1c. All member organizations have received the component(s) for the AE schools and/or demonstration plots (hard infrastructure). MoV: (1) Proof of payment, (2) Pictures, (3) Narrative reports on AE schools
  • 2a. At least 7 national level trainings have taken place implementing new and existing material created by LVC SEAf and AK on Peasant Agroecology and Climate Justice. MoV: (1) Participant lists, (2) Pictures, (3) Narrative reports on AE schools
  • 2b. At least 3 member organizations have actively used the popular education material outside of the planned national trainings. MoV: (1) Interviews with delegates from all member organisations conducted at activity 3.1.1.
  • 2c. A strategy for internal communication is developed and implemented. MoV: (1) Internal communication strategy, (2) Minutes from activity 2.2.1. and 2.2.2
  • 2d. All member organizations have received 5 digital publications during the intervention. MoV: (1): Screenshot of electronic publications, (2) Anonymised mailing lists
  • 2e. The results and outputs of the intervention is thoroughly evaluated in order to devise a plan of action forward. MoV: (1): Minutes from activity 2.3.1 (2) Evaluation report
  • 3a. Response from national decision makers to the political appeals of least five LVC SEAf member organisations, based in the list of demands of the Open Letter (see annex M) MoV: (1) Statements of intent, (2) Pictures from public meetings (3) Minutes of meetings
  • 3b. At least 3 new alliances with other civil society actors has been established and expressed through shared campaign initiatives such as call-outs or common statements MoV: (1) Travel report from participating delegates at activity 3.3.1. (2) Interviews with delegates from member organisations taking part in activity 3.3.1. (3) Call out and statements elaborated in collaboration with allies
  • 3c. At least 3 local or national decision makers have visited AE schools or demonstration plots of LVC SEAf member organisations. MoV: (1) Pictures, (2) Interviews with delegates from all member organisations conducted at activity 3.1.1.
  • 3d. During the Week of Mobilization, at least 4 national level and 1 regional level advocacy and mobilization actions, such as street protests or press conferences, under the banner of “Peasant Agroecology and Climate Justice”. MoV: (1) Media coverage, (2) Pictures, (3) Documentation from LVC SEAf media channels 3e. The multimedia material is made compatible with Whatsapp and other social media platforms and shared by AK, LVC SEAf/International, member organisations and allies, and the Web documentary website is published and shared across social media. MoV: (1) A common Whatsapp group for communicators of LVC SEAf member organisations is created. Screenshots of the shared multimedia material, (2) At least 3000 in total for the following three: responses, likes and shares from other social media, (3) At least 2000 unique visits at Web documentary website.